Welcome to Jai Guru Ji Packers and Movers

  • Omaxe Royal Residancy
    Pakhowal Road Ludhiana-141023

  • Call Us +91-8872710100

  • Office Hours Mon-Sun: 7:00 - 10:00

Packing Tips

Tips For Packing and Moving

Jai Guru Ji Packers and Movers in Ludhiana industry will be well-known with how to build your move simple as it can get hold of but you must still pay attention to every spot. Order loading and loading as well as package and deliver your substance should be label correctly so that you can be common with them now when unpack.

Tips for Packing

  • Packing your every household or house objects home or space at time.
  • Don't be suitable band directly to stylish or decorated lumber finish. Eliminate the set could scratch the artificial merchandise look.
  • Tell packers and/or driver about fragile or precious items.
  • Make a final check of the entire house - basement, closets, shelves, attic, garage, every room.
  • Approve and sign Bill of Lading; if possible accompany driver to the weigh station.
  • Double check with driver to make certain moving company records show the proper delivery address for your new house Verify the scheduled delivery date, too.
  • Give driver phone numbers both here and in new community to contact you in case of a problem.
  • Lock all doors and windows. Advise your real estate agent and neighbors that the house is empty.
  • Each carton has to be sealed securely with packing tape.
  • Use only strong, corrugated cartons with covers.